2024 November 4 Speaker at the Webinar “Migration Nordic Style – What does a restrictive immigration policy do to a society?” in cooperation with Europe Calling and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Title: The Danish Asylum and immigration policy and the “Ghetto Legislation”. Content and Consequences Virtual event
October 19 Chair and Speaker at the Arctic Circle Assembly 2024 (Panel: Foreign & security policy shifts impact economy, environment, & indigenous life) Title: Introducing the Study: Changing Priorities of States in the High North (with Christoph Humrich) Harpa Conference Hall, Reykjavík
May 7 Speaker at the Arctic Circle Berlin Forum (Panel: Local Actors in Environmental Governance) Title: Are national interests shifting away from environmental politics? Russia’s war in Ukraine and the consequences for states’ political priorities in the Arctic Radialsystem Culture and Event Centre, Berlin
March 18 Speaker at the KFIBS online event “Traumberuf Wissenschaft? Die Postdoc Phase“ Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS) Virtual event
January 12 Speaker at the Political Ecologies of the Far Right (PEFR) Conference Title: Climate Sceptics or Climate Nationalists? Understanding and Explaining Populist Radical Right Parties’ Positions towards Climate Change Uppsala University
2023 November 14 Speaker at the Party Research Seminar Title: “Void” Democrats? The Populist Notion of “Democracy” in Action University of Gothenburg
September 4-8 Speaker (and Panel Chair) at the ECPR General Conference (Panel: Populism: Recent developments and mainstreaming in Europe and Latin America) Title: In the Name of God and Christianity: Ultra-conservatism, populism and religious communication in Latin America Charles University, Prague
March 21 Speaker at the research Seminar at San Francisco University Title: Void democrats? The populist notion of democracy in action San Francisco University, Quito
2022 November 10 Speaker at the ClimPol research Seminar at the Department of Government Title: The populist radical right and global warming. Understanding and explaining policy positions towards climate change since 1990 Uppsala University
September 8-10 Speaker at the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) Annual Conference 2022 (Panel: Populism, anti-populism, Pop music and political participation) Title: Extremists or the establishment? How populists talk about populists University La Sapienza, Rome
April 6 Speaker at the Populism-Event hosted by Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS e.V.) in cooperation with Bonn University Title(1): Rechtspopulismus und Klimapolitik Title(2): Rechtspopulismus und die Reaktionen der etablierten Politik Bonn University
May 16-17 Speaker at the 7th Prague Populism Conference Title: Populist radical right parties and positions on climate change. A longitudinal analysis of party manifestos 1990-2021 Charles University, Prague
2021 October 15 Speaker at the Research Seminar of the Department of Government Title: In the Name of God and Christianity. Mapping Parties' and Candidates' religious Communication in Latin America. Uppsala University
September 1 Speaker at the ECPR General Conference 2021 (Panel: The Covid-19 Pandemic: Changes in Populist Radical Right Discourse?) Title: Blame Attribution in Times of Covid-19. A Comparison of PRRP Discourses in six Western European Countries Virtual event
August 10-12 Speaker at the Nordic Political Science Association (NoPSA) Conference 2021 (Workshops: Parliaments and Governments (1); Party System Change (2)) Title(s): In the Name of God and Christianity. Mapping Parties' and Candidates' religious Communication in Latin America (1); Don't call me a Populist! What Populism means for political Parties (2) Virtual event
July 11 Speaker at the Internation Political Science Association (IPSA) Annual Conference (Panel: Populism and Ideas of the Nation) Title: Don't call me a Populist! What Populism means for Western European Parties Virtual event
April 26 Speaker at the Populism-Seminar hosted by Annika Werner, Andrej Zaslove, Robert Huber, Maurits Meijers Title: Less Populist in Power? Online Communication of Populist Parties in Coalition Governments Virtual event
February 12 Speaker at the Academic Seminar at the Department of Government, Uppsala University Title: Don’t Call me a Populist! The Meaning of Populism for Western European Parties and Politicians Virtual event
2020 December 8 Speaker at the Tuesday Academic Seminar at the Center for the Study of Democracy, Leuphana University Title : Don’t Call me a Populist! How Western European Parties use the Term Populism Virtual event
August 28 Speaker at the ECPR General Conference Virtual Event 2020 (Panel: Religion and Secularism in Party Competition in the Western World) Title: Religion on the Rise Again? A Longitudinal Analysis of Religious Dimensions in Election Manifestos of Western European Parties Virtual event
July 22 Speaker at the 3rd online seminar of the Georgian Institute of Politics (GIP) Title: The role of religion for the western European radical right. Some empirical findings Virtual event
January 24 Speaker at the Norddeutsches Kolloquium Sozialwissenschaft 2020 Title: “Populistization” of the political mainstream? The contagion effect of populist and nativist messages on mainstream parties’ communication in Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria Schlaues Haus, Oldenburg
2019 November 26 Speaker at the C-REX Academic Seminar Title: The religious dimensions of the Spanish radical right party Vox Center for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo
November 12 Speaker at the C-REX Internal Seminar Title: "Populistization" of the political mainstream? Center for Research on Extremism, University of Oslo
September 12-14 Speaker at the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) Annual Conference 2019 (Panel: The consequences of populism: civil society, discourses and policies) Title: “Populistization” of mainstream parties? Mainstream parties’ communicative response to populist and radical right messages University of Salento
September 12-14 Speaker at the Italian Political Science Association (SISP) Annual Conference 2019 (Panel: Narratives of Europe by left- and right-wing populist parties. New topics for old conflicts in contemporary political communication and discourse) Title: Political parties, the radical right and religious communication: An analysis of parties' Facebook posts and election manifestos in seven Western European countries University of Salento, Lecce
September 4-7 Speaker at the ECPR General Conference 2019 (Panel: Political Communication and the Rise of Populism) Title: New Populist Parties and Their Effect on Mainstream Parties’ Communication University of Wrocław
September 4-7 Speaker at the ECPR General Conference 2019 (Panel: Secular-Religious Cleavage, Religious Voting and Party Politics) Title: The Role of Religion in Party Communication: a Comparison of Political Parties in Seven European Countries University of Wrocław
April 25 Speaker at the joint conference of the German Sociological Association's (DGS) sections "Politische Soziologie" and "Religionssoziologie" and of the German Political Science Association’s (GPSA) working group "Politik und Religion" Title: The Role of Religion in Party Communication: A Comparison of Political Parties in Seven European Countries University of Bamberg
2018 November 22 Speaker at the colloquium of the Göttinger Institute for Democracy Research Title: The Contagion Effect of Populism on Mainstream Parties Institute for Democracy Research, University of Göttingen
October 5 Speaker at the conference hosted by Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS e.V.) and Austria Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES): Erst „Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsunion“, dann „europäische Armee“? Title: Zurück zum Nationalstaat – die EU in der Krise? Center for International Security and Governance (CISG), University of Bonn
September 22 Speaker at the ECPR General Conference 2018 (Panel: Far Right ‘Movement Parties’ in Europe) Title: The “Contagion Effect” of Populism: the Case of Italy University of Hamburg
2017 December 2 Speaker at the Annual Conference of the German Political Science Association’s (GPSA) working group „Vergleichende Diktatur- und Extremismusforschung“ in cooperation with Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS e. V.): Das „Zeitalter des Populismus“ – Eine Gefahr für die liberalen Demokratien? Title: Die italienische Fünf-Sterne-Bewegung im europäischen Kontext University of Bonn September 21 Speaker at the international expert meeting hosted by the German Political Science Association in cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation: Religion und Rechtspopulismus Title: Die Lega Nord als Verteidigerin christlicher Identität? Kloster Banz, Bad Staffelstein March 27-28 27: Member and speaker at the expert workshop hosted by Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Which way to go for European social democracy? Development of policy recommendations for social democratic parties Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin
28: Meeting with MPs from the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) together with other participants of the Expert Workshop hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Presenting policy recommendations to MPs of the SPD Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin
2016 November 11 Speaker at the colloquium of the Göttinger Institute for Democracy Research Title: Populismus in Deutschland und Italien Institute for Democracy Research, University of Göttingen November 8 Member and speaker at the Expert Workshop hosted by Friedrich Ebert Foundation: Populism and Radicalization Brainstorming about the state of far-right populism in Europe Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Berlin June 20 Speaker at the public event hosted by Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL), Fondazione Nenni, Fondazione Bruno Buozzi and Friedrich-Ebert Foundation Presentation of Schwörer's book "Populismi. Il Movimento 5 Stelle e la Alternativa per la Germania" Unione Italiana del Lavoro (UIL), Rome