Schwörer, J. (2024): Religious References in Political Campaigning: A Comparative Analysis of Latin America and Western Europe on Social Media.Frontiers in Political Science 6. doi: 10.3389/fpos.2024.1470264.
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2023) Understanding and explaining Populist Radical Right Parties’ commitment to Animal Welfare in Western Europe. Environmental Politics. doi: 10.1080/09644016.2023.2293435.
Schwörer, J. and M. Koß (2023) ‘Void’ Democrats? The Populist Notion of ‘Democracy’ in action. Party Politics. doi: 10.1177/13540688231200992.
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2023) Climate Sceptics or climate Nationalists? Understanding and explaining Populist Radical Right Parties’ Positions towards Climate Change (1990-2022). Political Studies. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12602.
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2023): In the name of God and Christianity: Mapping Parties’ and Candidates’ religious Communication in Latin America. Religion, State and Society. doi: 10.1080/09637494.2023.2206342.
Schwörer, J. (2023): Mainstream Parties and global Warming. What determines Parties’ Engagement in Climate Protection?European Journal of Political Research. doi: 10.1111/1475-6765.12602.
Schwörer, J., B. Fernández-García, M. Caiani (2023) Challengers or the Establishment? How Populists talk about Populists.German Politics. doi: 10.1080/09644008.2023.2207014.
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2022): Populist radical right Parties and discursive Opportunities during Covid-19. Blame Attribution in Times of Crisis. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft. doi: 10.1007/s12286-022-00540-w
Schwörer, J., X. Romero-Vidal, and S. Moreno-Vallejo (2022): The Rise and Fall of GMOs in Politics: Party Positions and Mainstream Party Behaviour in Western Europe. Environmental Sociology. doi: 10.1080/23251042.2022.2115654
Schwörer, J. (2021): Don’t Call me a Populist! The Meaning of Populism for Western European Parties and Politicians.Electoral Studies (online first). doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2021.102358
Schwörer, J. (2021): Less populist in Power? Online Communication of populist Parties in coalition Governments. Government & Opposition (online first). doi: 10.1017/gov.2021.2
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2021): Demonisation of political Discourses? How mainstream Parties talk about the populist radical Right. West European Politics 44 (7), 1401-1422. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2020.1812907
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2020): Religion on the Rise again? A longitudinal Analysis of religious Dimensions in election Manifestos of Western European Parties. Party Politics27 (6), 1160-1171. doi: 10.1177/1354068820938008
Schwörer, J. and X. Romero-Vidal (2020): Radical right Populism and Religion: mapping Parties’ religious Communication in Western Europe. Religion, State and Society 48 (1), 4-21. doi: 10.1080/09637494.2019.1704611
Schwörer, J. (2018): Right-wing populist parties as defender of Christianity? The case of the Italian Northern League. Zeitschrift für Religion Gesellschaft und Politik 24 (2), 387–413. doi: 10.1007/s41682-018-0025-y
Chapters in edited volumes
Schwörer, J. 2025: Climate Change and Party Dynamics in Western Europe: Towards a Backlash in Climate Change Mitigation? In: Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik in der Polykrise. Wie verschiedene Akteure auf komplexe internationale Krisen reagieren, eds. Nicolas Verbeek, Sascha Arnautovic. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (forthcoming)
Fernández-García, B. and J. Schwörer 2025: El populismo verde: más allá del nativismo ambiental y el populismo negacionista. In: Desafío Antropoceno: Democracia, sostenibilidad y justicia en un planeta cambiante, eds. Manuel Arias Maldonado, Ángel Valencia Sáiz. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch (forthcoming)
Schwörer, J. 2024: Conclusion: Lessons from Denmark and beyond: Strategies for the way forward for democratic political parties.In: New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration. Effects and Challenges, eds. Jakob Schwörer. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Schwörer, J. (2024): Introduction. Radical Right Mainstreaming on immigration/integration in Western Europe and Denmark. In: New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration. Effects and Challenges, eds. Jakob Schwörer. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Schwörer, J. (2021): Populistische Kommunikation. In: Aufstand der Außenseiter. Die Herausforderung der europäischen Politik durch den neuen Populismus, eds. Frank Decker, Bernd Henningsen, Marcel Lewandowsky. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 517-538.
Schwörer, J., X. Romero-Vidal, and B. Fernández-García (2020): The religious Dimensions of the Spanish radical Right – Ideology, Communication and Agenda setting of Vox. In: Religion and illiberal Politics in Europe and beyond: Concepts, Actors, and identity Narratives, eds. A. Hennig and M. Weiberg-Salzmann. Frankfurt am Main: Campus, 183-212.
Schwörer, J. (2018): Alternative für Deutschland. From the streets to the parliament?. In: Radical Right 'Movement Parties' in Europe, eds. Manuela Caiani and Ondřej Císař. Milton: Routledge, 29-45.
Monographs and Anthologies
Schwörer, J. (2025): Am Rand der Mitte. Wie Mainstream-Parteien zum Problem für die Demokratie werden und was man dagegen tun kann. Eine demokratische Kritik am Verhalten von „denen da oben“. Springer VS. (forthcoming).
Schwörer, J. (2025) (ed.): New Danish Paradigms on Asylum and Integration. Effects and Challenges. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Schwörer, J., C. Humrich, and J. P. Ronde (2024): Changing Priorities of States in the High North. Arctic Consequences of Russia's War in Ukraine. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Schwörer, J. (2021): The Growth of Populism in the political Mainstream. The contagion Effect of populist Messages on mainstream Parties' Communication. Springer Nature.
Schwörer, J. (2016): Populismi. Il "Movimento 5 Stelle" e la "Alternativa per la Germania". Bibliotheka.
Others (selection)
Schwörer, J. and K. Birke Daniels 2024: A model for success or a pitfall? Social democracy and its migration policy in Denmark. FES Analyse. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Available:
Schwörer, J. (2024): A nativist Zeitgeist in Western Europe and the Nordics. Mainstream parties as threat for liberal democracy. KFIBS Analyse. Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy (KFIBS).
Schwörer, J. and K. Birke Daniels (2024): Erfolgsmodell oder Fallgrube? Die dänische Sozialdemokratischen Partei und ihre Migrationspolitik. FES Analyse. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Available:
Schwörer, J. and B. Fernández-García (2023): Climate protection as a challenge for the populist radical right. The Loop. Available:
Koß, M. and J. Schwörer (2023): Unfall in Zeitlupe. Warum das BVerfG die etablierten Parteien zum Jagen tragen muss. Verfassungsblog. Available:
Schwörer, J. (2022): Who is a populist? POP – Political Observatory on Populism. Available: